Senin, 31 Januari 2022



Značenje DeFi-ja je ideja monetarnog biološkog sustava koji pažljivo živi na zajedničkom okviru. U ovom svijetu postoje redovite monetarne uprave poput stjecanja, posuđivanja i razmjene, ali one rade u javnoj organizaciji, što znači da je dostupna svima s web udrugom. Konvencije otvorenog koda ili određene strukture ovise o izradi i davanju resursa ovoj organizaciji, slično kao što e-pošta postoji danas. Decentralizirani novac ili DeFi je monetarni okvir koji preispituje monetarne razmjene eliminirajući posrednike i ovisi o blockchain inovacijama, obično Ethereumu. Različite monetarne razmjene su zamislive s DeFi-jevim 'pametnim sporazumima' koji izvršavaju monetarnu razmjenu pod određenim uvjetima.


O Ignite Chain
-u Ignite Chain kontrolira decentralizirani biološki sustav novca za ljude ili krajnje klijente, kao i za monetarne ustanove i tvrtke koje imaju otvorenost za digitalnu valutu. Okarakterizirajući sebe kao nadolazeće doba blockchaina, Ignite daje decentralizirane odgovore za količinu suučesnika na lancu koji idu od malih pothvata do ogromnih tehnologija i špekulacija koje rukovoditelji zadržavaju.

Ignite Chain Chain temelji se na postojećim demonstriranim blockchain razvojima i novim inovacijama koje su namijenjene ostvarivanju masovnog prijema. Ovi napretci uključuju instrument sporazuma Proof-of-Stake (PoS), istaknute meta razmjene, konvencije o određivanju troškova razmjene, administraciju na lancu, radili su u lukavim ugovorima jednako jednostavnim za uključivanje uređaja za inženjere. Budući da je blockchain i kripto industrija u početnoj fazi, Ignite Chain ima puno prostora za razvoj i brigu o golemim problemima u kojima nema područja decentraliziranog novca.


Ekosustav Ignite Chain
Gradimo uspješan ekosustav na vrhu Ignite Chain kako bismo proširili snagu decentralizacije.
- Ignite Wallet
Lokalni novčanik za Ignite Chain za pohranu resursa digitalne valute i nezamjenjivih tokena.
- Ignite Explorer
Uređaj za istraživanje informacija i akcijskih iskustava na Ignite Chain-u, na primjer, blokovi, razmjene, adrese, ugovori i tako dalje
- IgnitEX
Lokalna trgovina kriptovalutama za razmjenu resursa živi na Ignite Chain-u s poznatim digitalnim oblicima novca, na primjer , bitcoin, ether, dogecoin, solana i brojne druge.
- IgniteDEX
IgniteDEX je robotizirani kreator tržišta i decentralizirana trgovina temeljena na vrhu Ignite Chain-a.
- Zapalite NFT tržište
Ignite Chain je izgradio komercijalni centar za kupnju, prodaju i žigosanje nezamjenjivih tokena (NFT).
- Ignite DevNet
To je lokalno područje za Ignite Chain uključujući validatore, dizajnere i donatore

Zašto Ignite Chain?
Light Chain radi se s planom za nadogradnju decentraliziranog uvida na lancu i povećanje decentraliziranog gospodarstva.
- Nevjerojatno brzo
Odigrajte razmjenu u nekoliko trenutaka s organizacijom koja je spremna za rukovanje čak 1500 razmjena svake sekunde.
- Niži trošak
Trošak razmjene je otprilike nula, a ipak u superbrzini i jeftinom slanju pametnih ugovora s programima izobilja inženjera.
- Lagani lanac interoperabilnosti
je funkcionalan jedan s drugim blockchainom s ugrađenim briljantnim ugovorom o skeli koji omogućuje besprijekornu međulančanu razmjenu resursa.
- Dobiveni
inženjering aktivnosti
Uz korištenje prilagođene konvencije, Ignite Chain nudi različite sigurnosne slojeve kako bi zaštitio organizaciju od suvišnih tvari i pristupa.


Privatna prodaja IGT
-a Svi od 5 milijuna IGT kovanica bit će na privatnim poslovima s rasponom vrijednosti počevši od 1 USD po novčiću. Privatni posao ima 7 faza, koji će biti gotovi za 45 dana. Nema zapreke za kupnju kovanica jer će svi kovanici odmah biti aktivni po privatnoj ponudi. Neprodani IGT kovanici bit će dodani javnoj ponudi. Sudionik koji daje pristanak mora zahtijevati BUSD ili BLVR tokene da sudjeluje u privatnoj pogodbi.

Cijena za IGT Coin ovisit će o fazi. Postoje sve od 7 faza i svaka od njih ima različitu cijenu od 1,00 USD do 2,50 USD. Kako bi proces prisvajanja IGT kovanica bio stručniji, trošak IGT-a trenutno će biti povezan s USD: 1 IGT = 1,25 BUSD-a


Prilagođeni protokoli lanca Ignite
– IGT GameX
GameX konvencija smanjuje korištenje procesorske snage posjetitelja, a kad bolje razmislim, koristi grafičku mogućnost olakšanu u oblaku za pružanje glatkijih korisničkih sučelja.
- IGT Reward
Reward konvencija se prirodno poziva kada su klijenti i pojedinci iz lokalnog područja ovlašteni da budu kompenzirani unaprijed definiranim prednostima i blagodatima.
Konvencija o zaštiti privatnosti je mjera predostrožnosti i sposobnost ublažavanja opasnosti koja je potrebna dok klijent surađuje s neodobrenim supstancama ili zloćudnim značajnim okupljanjima.


Web stranica:
Službeno Telegram:
Telegram Bounty Group:


Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Marco Asensio
BitcoinTalk URL profila:;u=2852562
Telegram Korisničko ime: @Badruz14
Adresa novčanika: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf




Influencio je novo doba neformalne zajednice koja preuzima trenutne mrežne medijske okvire i daje im supermoći. To je prvi takve vrste koji intenzivira utjecaje i prednosti online medijske pozornice u kojoj se postavljaju moćnici, minijaturne snage visokog razvoja s kojima se treba računati i njihovi bhakte se mogu prilagoditi, postati njihov sljedbenik i dobiti od svojih veza.

Pojam komunikacija na društvenim mrežama aludira na korištenje web-based online medijskih odredišta kako bi ostali povezani s pratiteljima, obitelji, partnerima, klijentima ili kupcima. Međuljudska interakcija može imati društveni razlog, poslovni razlog ili oboje, putem odredišta kao što su Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn i Instagram. komunikacija na društvenim mrežama također je kritična baza za oglašivače koji se žele povezati s klijentima. Facebook ostaje najveća i najpoznatija međuljudska organizacija, s 2,8 milijardi pojedinaca koji dosljedno koriste pozornicu do 31. prosinca 2020. Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Twitter i Pinterest su sljedeći općenito poznati, prema Statisti.

Uživajući instinktivnim UI/UX-om, Influencio nadzorna ploča olakšava silama na koje treba računati i brendovima da adekvatno stupe u kontakt s ogromnom, otvorenom gomilom. Istovremeno, obožavatelji mogu pronaći intrigantne kreatore unutar svojih sklonosti i utjecati na njihov razvojni utjecaj. Influenciov dinamički NFT, element Play-to-Earn i token UTJECAJ i ACTS glavne su komponente u fazi koje pomažu njegovim elementima. Influencio radi grupa snaga s kojima se treba računati, za moćnike. Podržavaju ga prestižni VIP osobe i gomila najboljih igrača s iskustvom u FinTech, Blockchain i Crypto.

Misija Influencia
Srž Influencia povezana je s obnavljanjem dijeljenja sadržaja i vraćanjem istog od velikih tvrtki, decentralizacijom i preraspodjelom kapaciteta ljudima. Influencio je faza koja koristi dijeljenje sadržaja i dodjelu kripto žetona za izgradnju mreža oko robne marke ili poruke. Influencio spaja uzornu neformalnu razmjenu i moćne standarde za promicanje s gamifikacijom i strategijama koje su pomogle u izgradnji digitalnih valuta i njihovih mreža.


Najvažnije značajke Influencia
S ovom intrigantnom mješavinom moćnih, NFT-ova i blockchain igara, Influencio se priprema kao možda najnoviji napredak u Metaverse. Influencio okruženje se sastoji od:
- Snage na koju se treba računati s nadzornom pločom
Influencio nadzorna ploča pruža klijentima pregled vrhunskih moćnika i poznatih ljudi, kako se njihovi tokeni prodaju i način na koji se pozicioniraju. Powerhouses s najvećim brojem tokena UTJECA bit će zabilježeni više na pozicijama.
Također daje pregled svih profila klijenata Influencera, njihove važne klase (na primjer Crypto Influencer, Beauty Influencer, Gaming Influencer i tako dalje), suptilnosti njihovih NFT-ova i tokena. S ovim pregledom, pomaže obožavateljima da promatraju više moćnih objekata u svojim područjima interesa, a robne marke promatraju snage na koje treba računati koje su relevantne za njihove artikle ili administraciju.
- Influencio Marketplace
Powerhouses mogu izraditi i kovati vlastite NFT-ove i prodavati ih na Influencio Marketplaceu. Prisilno računanje s NFT-ovima otvara razne prednosti za obožavatelje kao što su odabrana supstanca, individualna korespondencija i tako dalje. Obožavatelji mogu kupiti te NFT-ove i prodati ih kada steknu poštovanje.
- Igra Influencio Play-to-Earn (P2E).
Influencio poziva klijente diljem svijeta da sudjeluju u decentraliziranom igranju za zaradu (P2E) RPG-u koristeći posebno i maštovito planirane Influencio NFT-ove. Koristeći GameFi i NFT-ove, klijenti koji kupuju NFT-ove istinski će tražiti svoje računalne resurse, budući da je vlasništvo očito na blockchainu. Igrači mogu steći ACTS tokene kroz igru.

Tehnička zaklada
Influencio Influencio koristi Binance Smart Chain (BSC), koji je jedan od prevladavajućih blockchaina na DeFi sceni. Unatoč svojoj svježini u prostoru, do sada je doživio veliki razvoj zbog svoje brzine, prilagodljivosti i EVM održivih sposobnosti. Kako Binance Smart Chain dodatno podržava simboličku normu BEP-1155, otvara se mogućnost korištenja sile NFT-a kako bi se stvorilo samodrživo tržište.


#Areyouoneofus #DeFi #CeFi #Influencio #Influencers #Influence #Influencer #NFT #SocialFi #Metaverse #Web3

Web stranica:
Facebook:  https://



Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Marco Asensio
BitcoinTalk URL profila:;u=2852562
Telegram Korisničko ime: @Badruz14
Adresa novčanika: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf



BlockX Network zapošljava tehnologe, znanstvenike, izumitelje i poslovne ljude, koji su svi posvećeni uspostavljanju sveobuhvatnijeg globalnog poslovanja. Stvar BlockX-a je osloboditi profitabilnu mogućnost svijeta tako što će plutokrat učiniti fluidnijim, a ljude moćnijim. Međutim, rad na punjenju s blisko povezanim vodom, ako volite raditi velike stvari. Subcaste 1 Blockchain namjena je postavljena za velike brzine, niske razine plina i značajke specifične za Metaverse, NFT i DeFi web3 dapps.

Početak rada sa sigurnosnim spomenicima, digitalnim sredstvima, CBDC-om i namirivanjem. Potpuni pratitelj koji će vas voditi kroz BlockX Trip.


BlockX NFT i Blockchain:

Blockchain tehnologija omogućuje jednostavnu tokenizaciju sredstava koja su osjetljiva za pretvaranje ili promjenu. NFT, umjetnička djela, nekretnine i druga sredstva općenito su delikatna za podjelu na niže pehare. Tokenizacija olakšava podjelu ovih vrsta sredstava, dok ih zadržava u izvornom stanju.

Doista, u današnjem ultramodernom društvu, kada je tehnološki napredak na vrhuncu, ogroman dio globalne populacije još uvijek nije sposoban ulagati u visokovrijedna sredstva. Ovdje dolazi do izražaja tokenizacija i drugi načini prikupljanja kapitala. Kako upotreba tokenizacije od strane poduzeća i investitora diljem svijeta raste.


$BCX tokeni:

$BCX token, izvorni token BlockX ekosustava, igra integralnu ulogu u funkcionalnosti Tokenizer platforme. Ukupna ponuda tokena $BCX ograničena je na 1 milijardu. Pogledajmo neke od njegovih ključnih značajki.

BlockX i njegova platforma Tokenizer nepobitno integriraju stilski blok lanca, financije i tehnologiju kako bi ulaganja i prikupljanje sredstava učinili učinkovitim, sigurnim i dostupnim svima. Uz zavodljive cijene uloga, multi-token, podršku za NFT i lanac, nisku mirovanje i ljubaznost pametnih ugovora, nema nepovjerenja da će BlockX radikalno promijeniti geografiju ulaganja na bolje.



Web stranica:











Bitcointalk korisničko ime: Marco Asensio
BitcoinTalk URL profila:;u=2852562
Telegram Korisničko ime: @Badruz14
Adresa novčanika: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf

Sabtu, 08 Januari 2022




Are you still wondering if you should start using cryptocurrencies and NFTs? Then you definitely need has developed all this for you and me, so that we can start earning more and become financially independent. When you start choosing a crypto platform to participate, it is very important to pay attention to the usefulness of the platform and its functionality that can bring you excellent profits. Since today we will talk about the AXL INU platform, it will be important to find out why the AXL INU platform can become the best on the market? This is very important because our success depends on it.


It is probably worth starting with the fact that the swap function is already working on the AXL INU platform, which is available for both tokens on the Ethereum network and tokens on the Binance Smart Chain network. I believe that this is a very important feature, since right now it allows you to exchange tokens and coins of two networks, which certainly saves time and money, since all processes take place within one platform. It is also worth noting right away that AXL INU is a decentralized exchange, the task of which will also support the provision of liquidity, making a profit, the presence of such functions as staking, the launch of IDO, the presence of its own unique collection of NFTs, as well as the functions of lending and borrowing. Well, what about without having your own crypto asset, and there are two of them on the AXL INU platform, the main $ AXL token is for the eco system, as well as the $ AXLS token whose task is to be a reward token for the system. As for the features of the AXL INU platform, it is also worth noting the presence of such functions as rewards for holders of the AXL token, as well as the presence of a mechanism for redemption and burning of AXL and AXLs tokens.


I believe that you do not need to be a great specialist to see how the team of the AXL INU platform is trying for the crypto community, the NFT market, as well as the entire crypto industry, to provide the best DEX and NFT platform for the market. And the information we received above just shows us all the important amount of work done by the platform team, as well as its vision of development. Personally, I have already joined AXL INU and am closely following the development of the platform and in order not to miss the opportunity to buy AXL tokens, as well as collectible NFTs at the best price, especially since the AXL INU platform is new and each of us has the opportunity to be one of the first.
If you are interested in the offer and features of the AXL INU platform, then be sure to visit the official website of AXL INU right now and find out more information.


More information
Official website:



Bitcointalk Username: Marco Asensio
Telegram Username: @Badruz14
Wallet Address: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf





PAF DAO is Decentralized Autonomous Organization incorporated by Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance.

Two Decentralized Projects Are Officially Merging; Pitch Finance and FlockiFinance.

The merger, nicknamed PAF DAO is culled from the initial letters of the two projects- ‘Pitch and Flocki’. PAF DAO will be a fully decentralized ecosystem. It will provide joined services that caters for the two projects- Pitch Finance and FlockiFinance. The wide range of service would include but not be limited to Launchpad, OTC trading, NFT market place, staking, governance, etc.


Pitch Finance and Flocki Finance have agreed to merge their protocols into PAF DAO.
Pitch Finance independently offers value to Crypto enthusiasts by helping them build, buy, sell, trade, any kind of asset, token, and NFT in diverse blockchains.

FlockiFinance stands as the first multi-chain marketplace for NFTs. Crypto enthusiasts and traders can buy, sell, trade, and even swap any NFT on any blockchain they desire using one platform.


One can only imagine what this two will achieve when they bring their platforms into one ecosystem. Asides from the reduction of usable energy in the ecosystem, the two projects will also provide greater efficiency for Crypto users.


The token will be available at private sale and public sale. The individual tokens (FFT and PFT) will remain and top holders of the both tokens will be dropped with PAF token.

Other key events to look forward to is the launching of the PFT launchpad scheduled to go live on 17th of December, 2021 and Flocki market place launch on 20th of December. After the launch, the both tokens will be joined to one ecosystem controlled by PAF DAO.


Token Details
Token Name: PAF DAO
Total Supply: 100,000,000 PAF
Symbol: PAF
Blockchain: BEP-20
Decimals: 9
Contract: 0xa5e226248d88f87a103fd18c150a21eaa8cc8d1a


To participate in Private sale White listing please follow payment instructions and fill in the form


  • 1 BNB = 30 000 PAF


  • 1 BNB = 27 500 PAF


  • 1 BNB = 25 000 PAF




Information :


Author :

Bitcointalk Username: Marco Asensio
Telegram Username: @Badruz14
Wallet Address: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf

Jumat, 07 Januari 2022



#coindogs_news #coindogs_tokensale #coindogs_gen0 #coindogs_nft #coindogs_nftsale #coindogs_genesis

At a central level, a NFT is an overall asset that joins ownership to overwhelming physical or electronic things, as precarious fruitions, land, music, or records. NFTs can be considered to be progressed collectibles. The headway can in like manner make it difficult to change or phony NFTs. Notwithstanding how they’ve been around starting around 2014, NFTs are getting notoriety now since they are changing into an unmistakably striking procedure for buying and sell modernized persuading craftsmanship. A faltering $174 million has been spent on NFTs since November 2017. NFTs are likewise regularly extraordinary, or perhaps one of an outstandingly bound run, and have wonderful seeing codes. For the most part, NFTs make modernized inadequacy.

The overall video gaming industry is depended on to wind up being half to $268.8 billion by 2025. New assessment finds that more than 70% of gaming originators would consider weaving blockchain tech, cryptos, and non-fungible token (NFT) pay into future games. Other than basically half of all coordinators explored say they’re at present doing it.


Blockchain for Game
Blockchains and advanced kinds of cash have astounding properties like secure and irreversible trades, progression protection, exceptional returns, humble as a rule resources moves, and anything is possible beginning there yet those benefits won’t drive mass get-together. Unequivocally it will be multiplayer, web games like Axie Boundlessness, Splinterlands, Roblox, Fortnite, Minecraft, Creature Intersection, and other indistinguishable kinds of gaming stages that are in progress. Web gaming is a huge blockchain use case according to a report on NFT following website DappRadar, October saw more than 1 million electronic wallets related with decentralized gaming applications reliably, tending to 55% of the blockchain business’ overall development. Positively, web gaming is a blockchain behemoth.


About CoinDogs
CoinDogs is a blockchain-based game for people who love canines, races and NFTs. It’s a multiplayer game where you can raise or buy a virtual canine, research races against other players’ canines for redirection and advantage and make your own NFT arrangement. All CoinDogs pass their excellent DNA to kids through cross assortment no two canines take after the other the equivalent.

Striking Game Characters
- The Daring Cash Badger
Own this vivacious, fat shock and secure 1% from each CoinDogs trade! Just deal with the current owner, and he’s yours. Our accountant genuinely detests him!
- The Tricky Satoshi Unicorn
Own this surprising creature, and use him to help your canines race speedier! Then, flip him for a direct extension before he moves depleted and takes off.
- Werewolves and Hellhounds
When raising canines after 12 PM (12 a.m.– 1 a.m. EST) during a full moon, there’s a 20% chance you may get a werewolf rather than genuinely annoying, and during another moon, you may raise a hellhound.
- Mechanized Canine Assortment
Make your own blueprint of virtual pets! Race against various players, rent or sell them, pimp them up, or trade them at a NFT business focus! You can see any canine gathering you can imagine in our game so enduring you are a real canine sweetheart you can make endless canines here and right now.



Bitcointalk Username: Marco Asensio
Telegram Username:
Wallet Address: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf





Technology is developing exponentially and established sectors are being disrupted in unprecedented ways as entrepreneurs push the limits of what’s possible. New payment rails are being laid, TradFi is evolving into DeFi and Web 3.0 is revolutionizing the entire internet. Even the entertainment industry is being remodelled, whether that be through digital collectibles (NFTs) or immersive gaming experiences enabled by VR and augmented reality (AR).

As we know, games evolve with technology. From Pong to Pokémon and beyond, developers are constantly pushing the boundaries and revolutionizing the experiences of gamers. Virtual Reality is the new frontier of personal gaming and customers around the world are eager for new games to enter the arena. It is into this booming market that we introduce a new challenger: Revomon.

We have a team of experienced developers behind Revomon, and a huge discord community of +17,000 members that we have been building since the success of our first game which has been downloaded over 150,000 times.


Revomon (Revolution Monsters)


Revomon is an exciting new online role-playing game (RPG) that combines an incredible, immersive virtual-reality experience with the ground-breaking technology behind non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This synergy will allow for the creation of real value in a virtual world by leveraging blockchain technology.

We have created a metaverse where players can socialize with each other while hunting for wild Revomon. Think Axie Infinity meets Pokémon Go but in a fully immersive virtual reality (VR) environment.

The game itself combines VR experiences such as grabbing, throwing, shooting and free movement with the disruptive innovations that are only possible through blockchain technology, namely:

  • Ownership (NFTs).
  • Play to earn.
  • Community governance.

Game available here:



✔️ We believe in a game built and led by its community.
✔️ We believe in a place where your entertainment can be turned into a source of income.
✔️ We believe in a future where players truly own what they collect.

Revomon’s destiny is to become the first VR game powered by a decentralized application (Dapp) on the blockchain. We are bringing four new dimensions to the gaming industry through the Revomon native token, $REVO:

  • Ownership
  • Play to earn
  • Project governance
  • Staking

“Gamers spend hours trying to obtain an epic item with a great value in the game, but once they stop playing, these in-game treasures sit and collect dust.”



Here, players will assume the role of a Revomon Tamer and learn how their real-life gestures will let them interact with the virtual world we have created.


"Revomon crashed to Earth long before the evolution of humanity into the planet’s dominant force.
As time passed however, these creatures were forced to adapt to the presence of humanity. As this change occurred, Revomon Tamers managed to bring great benefits to the human race by harnessing the incredible power of the monsters. Many mysteries still remain around the magical capabilities of the Revomon, as it seems that Tamers have only just begun to understand their true power.


Throughout the years various factions have emerged who see the revomon for different purposes:

  1. The scientists, who wish to study these revomon and to understand and catalogue their unique abilities.
  2. The secret society, made up of the world's most elite and powerful people, they see revomon as nothing but a tool to be used for profit.
  3. The anarchists, who believe the world was better when humans and revomon were equal, their goal is to use revomon to disturb the peace.

Select your Tamer and train your Revomon in a first-person environment within VR, and explore the environment by interacting with various elements. Use your slingshot to throw energy balls at Revomon to catch or release them."


Many different features will be added to enhance the social aspect, storyline and competition within the game. These will be built around play-to-earn mechanisms and will include:

  • Quests to further Tamer progression.
  • Clans that will rally separate members around shared interests and group missions.Competition with PVP and tournament ranking.
  • Achievements.



$REVO tokenomics are thought to sustain a whole ecosystem balanced between the investors, the project growth and the game universe.


Contact Information











Bitcointalk Username: Marco Asensio
Telegram Username:
Wallet Address: 0x48d9078eff5ea13a7e4365e7f972d1e22e71a0cf