Sabtu, 30 November 2019


So how do you get miners to switch to PoS? This is true by making the old PoW method unprofitable. To achieve this, Ethereum has integrated an elegant and dangerous device into its code - the so-called complexity bomb. Complexity means how difficult it is to find a puzzle solution for each block. The more complex the puzzle, the more time it takes to produce each new block - and the more energy the miner needs to spend. At first, complexity increases only slightly from time to time. But then it starts to accelerate. New blocks require more and more discoveries. Transactions require more time to confirm. And since miners find fewer new blocks, they get fewer rewards. Sooner or later, the network stops working. This is called a complexity bomb, and for miners, this is the main incentive to agree to Proof-of-Stake.
As you know, the rewards of miners are strong, since the market is still bearish, and the real price increase is not known whether the small independent miners do not earn enough to cover their expenses. One of the main goals of 2Ether is to create an environment in which GPU miners will have equal conditions for large farms. Adjusting the price of the base fee will help us achieve just that. At 2Ether, we use an intelligent and effective solution to this problem. The base price will be adjusted regularly depending on how the market price of ET2 changes.
Principle of the 2Ether project
2EtherDEX has huge advantages and reasons for use. A decentralized exchange does not store your assets, because neither hacker attacks nor the complete collapse of the exchange itself are threatened with a loss of funds, which is a huge plus compared to centralized exchanges, which are hacked regularly enough, including large exchanges. When connecting to a wallet, you do not give your private key and all your information is not stored on the exchange server.
There are no personal accounts on a decentralized exchange, verification is not required, and you do not even need to provide email, so no one will be able to use or steal personal user data. You can choose one of 3 blockchains: Ethereum, EOS and TRON, easily trading any token.
You do not need to be a miner to get ET2 coins - all you have to do is join our pre-launch campaign for a reward. We have tasks for everyone - you decide how many tokens you want to earn.
2Ether generously rewards everyone who helps spread the word about our project. To maximize your reward, you can create original 2Ether content, including YouTube video reviews, articles, and blogs. As long as your content is unique, relevant and has not been published elsewhere, you are guaranteed a good reward. Alternatively, you can simply share our news and tweets or write 2Ether short posts on Facebook and Twitter. To join our award, click the "Join Now" button below. He will transfer you to our reward chain with full campaign conditions.
As you can see, this is a promising campaign that has many advantages. Reliability, safety are guaranteed here.
Additional Information:
Author : Apel malang

Selasa, 05 November 2019


Proyek ini merupakan bagian dari grup GPM-Planet, perincian perusahaan dapat ditemukan di Dalam proyek tersebut, tim profesional yang terdiri dari orang-orang yang berpikiran sama berkumpul. Selama kolaborasi, dari penelitian hingga pembuatan prototipe, tim menunjukkan tekad, sumber daya, dan profesionalisme. Pada saat itu, ketika kami hampir meluncurkan aplikasi industri teknologi mungkin, kami membentuk tim yang ramah dan efektif yang ditujukan pada hasilnya.

Adapun indikator ekonomi, proyek ini menarik dalam kemungkinan mengubah mata uang cryptocurrency menjadi uang riil dengan tingkat konversi yang baik. Pemasaran ini didikte oleh pasar, sebagai situasi rangkap dengan strategi investasi muncul di antara pemegang cryptocurrency.
Selain menciptakan produksi yang unik menggunakan bahan baku berkualitas tinggi, kami menyediakan pelanggan kami dengan tingkat layanan tertinggi. Struktur terintegrasi secara vertikal telah dibuat atas dasar perusahaan, yang meliputi: lokasi produksi, gudang, transportasi, dan logistik informasi. Manajemen proses dibuat di semua unit bisnis, dan token perusahaan akan menjadi unit pembayaran untuk seluruh ekosistem perusahaan.
Proyek GPM-karbon memecahkan 3 masalah utama masyarakat modern:
  1. Polusi air
  2. Polusi tanah
  3. Polusi makanan
Apa itu karbon aktif
Karena sifat fisik dan kimianya, karbon aktif adalah bahan pembersih (penyerapan) yang unik dan ideal. Saat ini, sulit untuk menyebutkan sektor ekonomi di mana adsorben unik ini tidak digunakan. Bahkan, ini adalah bahan kedua setelah besi dalam penerapannya yang luas.

Bidang penerapan karbon aktif Karbon aktif digunakan di area berikut:
• Suasana:

Pemurnian emisi gas, termasuk desulfurisasi, sistem pembersihan gas dari pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir, perangkap uap bensin yang dipancarkan oleh kendaraan, penghancuran senjata kimia, penghancuran limbah padat, pemurnian udara yang memasuki tempat tinggal dan tempat kerja.
• Hidrosfer:
Pengolahan air minum, pembuangan air limbah, pengolahan air, pengolahan limbah radioaktif cair, penambangan emas dan non-ferrous.
• litosfer:
Perlindungan tanah dari xenobiotik, termasuk pestisida, remediasi tanah, zona perlindungan sanitasi sumber air.
• Pria:
Sarana perlindungan individu dan kolektif dari jenis filter, produksi produk kimia dan farmasi, vitamin, antibiotik, enterosorpsi dan hemosorpsi, produksi makanan ramah lingkungan.
Area utama penerapan karbon aktif:
• Kimia.
Produksi: serat kimia, karet sintetis, pewarna, bahan kimia, dll.
• medis.
Produksi: pereaksi kimia dan farmasi, antibiotik dan vitamin, obat-obatan, dll.
• Makanan.
Produksi: gula, minyak dan lemak, pati dan tetes tebu, minuman anggur dan vodka, filter rokok dan lainnya.
• Metalurgi.
Produksi: flotasi (konsentrasi) bijih logam non-ferro, metalurgi non-ferro dan besi, penambangan emas.
• Penyulingan gas dan minyak.
Produksi: pemisahan dan pemurnian aliran proses, produksi plasticizer.
• industri nuklir
Masalah manufaktur modern
Mempelajari pengalaman memproduksi karbon aktif oleh pabrikan dunia terkemuka mengarah pada kesimpulan yang mengecewakan: sebagian besar pabrikan terkemuka sering menciptakan produk dengan kualitas terbaik, tindakan yang ditujukan untuk memecahkan masalah lingkungan. Waktu menyebabkan kerusakan serius pada ekologi planet ini. Ini terutama karena metode produksi dan persiapan bahan baku yang diperlukan untuk produksinya, serta proses teknologi dan produksi.

Studi analitis tentang pengembangan pasar karbon aktif
Sifat pembersihan yang unik dari karbon aktif, yang memungkinkan untuk memecahkan berbagai masalah lingkungan dan teknologi produksi modern, terus-menerus memperluas cakupannya. Cakupan karbon aktif sangat luas, dan kesenjangan antara pasokan dan permintaan terus meningkat.

Faktor-faktor yang menentukan pertumbuhan pasar karbon aktif:
• Peningkatan berkelanjutan terhadap standar peraturan lingkungan yang ketat di pasar utama - di AS, Kanada, dan Eropa Barat. Pemurnian air, udara dan limbah industri, standar yang ketat untuk menghilangkan merkuri dari udara dalam produksi energi menggunakan bahan bakar fosil (karbon, minyak dan gas alam), standar emisi yang lebih ketat untuk kendaraan - semua area ini membutuhkan penggunaan yang semakin luas. Karbon aktif.
• Meningkatkan standar emisi dan mengendalikan polusi air dan udara di Cina, India, dan banyak negara berkembang lainnya. Pertumbuhan populasi, polusi air dan udara yang disebabkan oleh industrialisasi yang cepat dan menipisnya sumber air bersih meningkatkan permintaan karbon aktif.
• Meningkatkan aktivitas produksi dan secara aktif menerapkan teknologi inovatif di negara-negara industri. Sebagian besar proses menggunakan karbon aktif didasarkan pada penggunaannya di seluruh proses manufaktur.
Tujuan dari proyek Karbon adalah untuk mengatur produksi karbon aktif sesuai dengan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang dikembangkan (lihat Deskripsi dan deskripsi teknis di atas) dan untuk memberikan layanan yang sesuai kepada konsumen melalui pengenalan struktur yang terintegrasi secara vertikal.

Struktur bisnis
Peluncuran produksi karbon aktif menggunakan teknologi kami didasarkan pada keunggulan berikut:

  1. Bahan baku. Selalu tersedia dalam jumlah yang dibutuhkan. Kualitas bahan baku yang diperlukan untuk produksi karbon aktif adalah salah satu yang terbaik di dunia.
  2. Produksi suatu produk menggunakan teknologi kami secara signifikan mengurangi biaya dibandingkan dengan biaya produsen global terbesar.
  3. Untuk keberhasilan implementasi proyek, kami memiliki selusin ekonomi inovatif yang dipatenkan
  4. Produksi teknologi akan berlokasi di wilayah kompleks produksi kami, keunggulan kompetitif di antaranya adalah lokasi geografisnya yang sangat baik, personel yang berkualifikasi tinggi, kesiapan teknologi penuh dari lokasi produksi untuk pemasangan dan peluncuran peralatan teknologi.
Fitur Token
GPM Coin adalah proyek dari sektor ekonomi riil yang memiliki perwujudan material. GPM Coin memberikan Anda hak untuk menerima produk yang sangat cair ini (karbon aktif untuk penggunaan universal), yang memiliki posisi kompetitif yang baik karena kualitas tinggi dan karakteristik fisikokimia dan diproduksi menggunakan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang unik melalui penggunaan bahan baku teknis. Ekosistem perusahaan dirancang agar pelanggan dapat membayar token GPM Coin. Penanda akan menjadi alat pembayaran universal dalam ekosistem karbon.

Aplikasi Blockchain
Seluruh ekosistem GPM Karbon akan dibangun kembali menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Ini akan memberikan fleksibilitas dan keamanan maksimum untuk semua transaksi di perusahaan. Pada tahap meluncurkan lini produk di bawah merek GPM Carbon, semua produk akan ditandai dan dimasukkan ke dalam register blockchain.

Elemen utama dari sistem:
• register elektronik untuk produk yang dikirim;

• Portal untuk melacak lokasi distribusi;
• Konverter Biaya Satuan;
• Menyediakan layanan untuk memastikan otomatisasi proses;
• Pengendalian lingkungan produksi

Author : Apel malang


Aerotoken AET is the first self inflationary token operating on the Ethereum network. Aerotoken is engineered with high technological advancements that beats the high cost of mining cryptocurrencies encountered by setting up exorbitant mining devices. As the world first inflationary token in the crypto ecosystem Aerotoken is designed to pioneer the course of a new revolutionary dimension and new course of diversification in crypto ecosystem . The technology is designed to automatically create a 0.01%  controlled inflation in every aerotoken successfully completed transaction carried out on the Ethereum network. To guarantee the success of this project, it is pioneered by a seasoned team of professionals and cryptoenthusiast motivated to create the biggest financial revolution in the crypto ecosystem.







CannaCor is a licensed producer of medical cannabis and cannabis by-products located in Lesotho, southern Africa. It is supported by a group of professional executives with extensive knowledge and understanding of the needs of the medical cannabis industry. Their economic activities are based on the recently approved production and export of cannabis and cannabis by-products which can be used for medicinal needs. A proud pioneer, they aim to incorporate only the latest and best technologies and will become a medical cannabis producer to supply cannabis flower and extract products to tens of thousands of patients, physicians, pharmacies, hospitals, governments and researchers on a global scale. They are constantly striving to improve their products and adhere to strict procedural and environmental protocols in order to maximize purity, quality and customer satisfaction.


About CannaCor


  1. CannaCor (Pty) Ltd is an incorporated company under the Companies Act of 2011 in the Kingdom of Lesotho with Registration Number 65263 and TIN number 200084029-4.
  2. CannaCor is licensed as a prohibited drug operator. The license is granted under Section 12 of the Drug Abuse Act of 2008 with license number 02/D022/06-2019.
  3. CannaCor has obtained 50 000m2 of land in Berea, Lesotho, of which 30 000m2 is permitted for greenhouse or indoor cultivation of Cannabis.
  4. CannaCor intends to commence with the development of an aquaponics production facility for medical cannabis during the fourth quarter of 2019.
  5. The company will be able to serve Canada, Europe and other global markets from this facility.
  6. The Cannacor team will ensure that they are compliant with every aspect of the act and are certified by the following: ISO 9001, Good Agricultural and Collecting Practice (GACP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Laboratory Practice (GLP).




The vision of CannaCor is to become a frontrunner of medical cannabis cultivation in Lesotho. Our focus is to implement sustainable production facilities and expand our lead with an aquaponics production plant while integrating all our management systems with a selection of blockchain technologies to ensure transparency, immutability and real-life tracking




CannaCor works with a group of experienced scientists, blockchain developers, pharmacists and engineers daily, with the goal of improving our company by researching and delivering environmentally sustainable high-quality cannabis products.




  1. The CannaCor coin is created on the Ethereum network.
  2. The CannaCor cryptocurrency is sold to the public by means of ICO.
  3. Funds raised during the ICO will be used to build the cultivation facility and to develop the blockchain and its applications.
  4. Coins will be distributed to participants within 30 days after the ICO.
  5. Accepted currencies to buy the Cannacor Coin are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Ripple (XRP).



Blockchain Track and Trace Features


The Blockchain provides the utmost transparency in the decentralized recording of data and ensures the records of the platform is secure, transparent, verifiable and immutable.
  1. Cannabis Cultivation cycle Management
    The blockchain and applications will be used to coordinate the activities required to accept raw materials, manufacture the product, test for quality, package for shipping and schedule for delivery. Our aim is to measure and capture the quality of our products, production output and worker productivity to ensure the enterprise creates products that meet quality standards.
  2. Cannabis Supply Chain Management
    Supply chain management is the handling of the entire production flow of the CannaCor products — starting from seed planting all the way to delivering the final product to the consumer. To accomplish this task, CannaCor will create a network of processes that moves the product along from the suppliers of raw materials to the organizations which deal directly with users
  3. Regulatory and Compliance Management
    Regulators require detailed information regarding a medical cannabis cultivator’s business: where the product comes from, the results of any testing that has been done, the specified amount produced, and distribution. Our aim is to establish support processes to monitor information throughout the supply chain and ensure compliance with all regulations


The Cannacor Cultivation facility


Cannacor’s objective is to develop its own aquaponics cultivation and production facility for medical cannabis on the company’s premises in Lesotho. This will enable the company to meet a growing demand in a global market of scarce production capacity and become a recognized supplier to the global markets that have no or limited production capacity.
The intention is to establish a facility where standardized, uniform and consistent products can be cultivated, without the use of pesticides, so that the content of the active ingredients is the same for each harvesting and processing stage. The development of the cultivation premises into a complete facility for the cultivation and production of medical cannabis is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2019.


The Aquaponics cultivation facility will be established to cultivate cannabis and produce products such as:


  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabinoids (CBN) and
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol Acid (THCA) in various strengths and combinations.




  1. Extracts
  2. Oils
  3. Dried cannabis
  4. Oil capsules


Cultivation Life Cycle Management Process: CannaCor


The cannabis industry requires a technology infrastructure to support and improve the multistage cultivation process of cannabis. CannaCor has identified three major areas which need to be addressed.
  1. Process and cost analysis
    A process will be implemented to track all nutrients and materials used for growing a cannabis crop to calculate the cost per gram by plant, batch and strain.
  2. Genealogy tracking and optimization
    This system will help CannaCor keep a record of a strong, diverse genetic portfolio, which will track the genealogy of each plant and create new hybrids based on cultivators’ preferences.


Cannacor aims to ensure that the cannabis is produced:


  1. hygienically to keep microbiological contamination to a minimum so as to mitigate the negative effects during cultivation, processing and storage.
  2. under conditions that ensure the therapeutic properties of the end-product are constant and reproducible.
  3. under conditions that ensure that the therapeutic properties of the end-product are constant and reproducible.


The key benefits of GMP certification are to:


  1. prove the organization’s management capabilities in product quality and safety assurance
  2. enable employees to develop good production and operation habits
  3. reduce safety risk in product quality
  4. timeously detect production and management problems to reduce costs
  5. ensure better understanding of and compliance with the relevant laws and regulations
  6. enhance the company’s international credibility and public image
  7. Increase customer’s long-term confidence in the enterprise.


The benefits of using an ISO 9001 QMS include:


  1. becoming a more consistent competitor
  2. meeting customer satisfaction needs
  3. increasing business opportunities by demonstrating compliance
  4. implementing more effective ways of working – saving time, money and resources
  5. less wastage
  6. motivating and engaging employees with efficient internal processes
  7. improving performance to reduce errors and increase the profit margin.


Other benefits of GLP for both the laboratory and its customers include:


  1. Increased confidence in the reliability and trustworthiness of laboratory data
  2. Increased production of right first-time results
  3. Increased overall productivity
  4. Better laboratory reputation
  5. Reduced need for rework
  6. Reduced time spent on non-revenue earning investigations.


Product quality and consistency


Currently cultivators struggle to produce a harvest of consistent quantity and quality by following repeated processes. In order to improve this aspect of cultivation, our system will track a batch and capture all information pertaining to its genealogy, exact amount of water and nutrients used, the precise pH, temperature and humidity at each stage of the batch’s cultivation process.


Supply Chain Management


CannaCor will create a network of processes that moves the product along from the suppliers of raw materials to the organizations which deal directly with users. The three major steps in the supply chain blockchain process are as follows:
  1. Decentralized data record
    Blockchain technology provides the utmost transparency in the decentralized recording of data. It ensures the supply chain record is secure, transparent, verifiable and immutable.
  2. Packaging
    By integrating blockchain technology into packaging, the CannaCor team and its affiliates (retailers, shop owners, etc.) will be able to track the precise real-world movement of their cannabis inventory on an individual shipment basis. When a product is scanned, no data needs to be entered.
  3. QR code scanning
    The company will make use of tracking technology which can communicate with modern smartphones, making implementation of this system simple for producers, retailers and consumers alike.


About Blockchain Corporation


The Blockchain Corporation team is committed to solving problems in the medical cannabis industry and focusing attention on implementing real-world blockchain technology solutions to ensure consistent crop growth of excellent quality and quantity. It aspires to streamline the cultivation life cycle of the cannabis crop and deliver pinpoint supply chain solutions to enhance product trace ability.
Blockchain Corporation will do this by positioning itself as an early adopter and implementer of a combination of Blockchain and Hyperledger technologies to manage the medical cannabis production life cycle and supply chain. Key focus areas are cultivation life cycle management and supply chain management.


CannaCor Coin Features


  1. Stable value
    The CannaCor coin has the potential to become a cryptocurrency with a stable value and low volatility, while retaining all the appealing features of other cryptocurrencies.
  2. Secure cross-border transactions
    The CannaCor coin is an effective vehicle to ensure simple and secure transactions between CannaCor, suppliers and clients.




  1. Sustainability
    Aquaponics is a truly sustainable system for growing cannabis. Fish food manufactured specifically for aquaponics ensures the system is free of toxins and provides the fish with what they need to grow strong and healthy. All that is needed is fish food as well as additional nutrients for the topsoil layer to grow both healthy cannabis plants as well as fish for consumption.
  2. Growth rate
    Aquaponics is a proven method for fast-growing plants.By allowing the roots to take in high levels of oxygen, they can absorb more nutrients and grow quickly.
  3. Water use
    Estimates show that aquaponic systems use up to 90% less water than traditional systems by recirculating the water.


Coin Buyback and Burn


  • CannaCor (Pty) Ltd will allocate 12% of its NETT profit to buy back CANNACOR coins twice a year over a period of 10 years.
  • 100% of coins bought back will be burnt/destroyed immediately after buyback.
  • This will maintain stable growth of the CannaCor Cryptocurrency
  • Decrease initial supply of the CannaCor cryptocurrency
  • And Create a stable store of value with low volatility.
The goal is to increase the cryptocurrency value and achieve mass adoption of the coin in the cannabis industry.


Pre-ICO sale Information


  1. Pre-Sale Starts: 11 Sept 2019 and ends 15 December 2019
  2. Pre-ICO: Coin Price $0.06
  3. Coin Ticker: CANO
  4. Coin TypeL: ERC20 Ethereum
  5. Number of coins for Pre-ICO: 468 Million
  6. Total Coin Supply: 1.5 Billion




  • The CannaCor coin is created on the Ethereum network.
  • The CannaCor cryptocurrency is sold to the public by means of ICO.
  • Funds raised during the ICO will be used to build the cultivation facility and to develop the blockchain and its applications.
  • Coins will be distributed to participants within 30 days after the ICO.
  • Accepted currencies to buy the Cannacor Coin are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH) and Ripple (XRP).


Coin Allocation


  • 78%:  Coin Sale
  • 07%:  CannaCor Team
  • 07%:  Blockchain Corp Team
  • 05%:  Strategic Partnerships
  • 03%:  Bounty & Airdrop


Funds Distribution


  • 30%:  Cultivation
  • 30%:  Technology & Core
  • 08%:  Marketing & Business
  • 05%:  Admin
  • 12%:  Liquidity on Exchanges
  • 05%:  Legal
  • 05%:  Exchange Listing Fee
  • 05%:  Commissions & Fees



4th QUARTER 2018


  • Research and brainstorm sessions initiated to establish most viable solution to cultivate medical cannabis
  • Current technologies researched to establish the CannaCor cryptocurrency
  • Various blockchain technologies researched to manage the medical cannabis cultivation life cycle and supply chain management systems
  • Strategic alliances formed with blockchain developers, cultivators and pioneers in the cannabis industry
  • Company incorporated in Lesotho, southern Africa, to operate the following business activities:
    – growing of drug and pharmaceutical crops
    – wholesale and/or retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods.


1st QUARTER 2019


  • 50 000 m2 agricultural land acquired in Lesotho, southern Africa, for the cultivation of medical cannabis
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) curated and submitted
  • Licence application lodged with the Drug Control Authorities in Lesotho to obtain:
    – authorization for export and import of medical cannabis
    – authorization to produce medical cannabis products.


2nd QUARTER 2019


  • Blockchain developer and ICO marketing team appointed
  • Greenpaper development
  • Design of cannabis cultivation plant.


3rd QUARTER 2019


  • CannaCor medical cannabis cultivation licence approved
  • New website design / landing page
  • Wallets and user administration panel development
  • Greenpaper updated and new corporate identity incorporated
  • Pre-ICO round starts 11 September 2019 and ends 15 December 2019.


4th QUARTER 2019


  • ICO launch 16 December 2019 and ends 31 March 2020
  • Design of cultivation plant, testing laboratory and packaging plant finalised
  •  Construction of cultivation facility
  • Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric application development, incorporating QR code labelling, product traceability, drug authentication, production life cycle management and supply chain applications
  • New wallets and website release.


1st QUARTER 2020


  • CannaCor application BETA testing
  • First cannabis crops planted
  • Application integration of production cycles.


2nd QUARTER 2020


  • First harvest, application integration of supply chain and first coin buy-back.


Cannacor Team


  1. Hugo: CEO
  2. Pieter-Jan: CFO
  3. Pieter: Operations Director
  4. Tobie: Legal Advisor
  5. Refiloe: HR
  6. Jan: Technical Advisor
  7. Seabata: Security
  8. Frik: Master Grower


Blockchain Corp Team


  1. Gerhard: Founder
  2. Logan: Software Engineer
  3. Ankur: Technical Advisor
  4. Latha: Technical Advisor
  5. Willie: Cultivation Advisor
  6. Sergey: Blockchain and Software Advisor
  7. Adeniji: Advisor
  8. Deepanshu: Advisor
  9. Peter Cris Nabida: Advisor


To get even more accurate information please visit the link below:




