Minggu, 30 Juni 2019



Along with the development of blockchain projects in the world, we have several
young people who are determined to build a project by utilizing the advantages of
blockchain technology. We consist of several countries including Indonesia, and
We are determined to build a digital currency exchange place under the tutelage of
people who have a lot of experience in the blockchain world, we are amazed and
stunned to see the development of blockchain so fast spread to the world industries,
even some countries that once banned transactions with blockchain networks now
they focus more on blockchain technology as legitimate transactions in their
We also intend to build a market not just for exchanging cyrpto, but we intend to
build more than that, namely to build a market with multifunction. In addition to
crypto currency exchange, the exchange we will build will also function as a place
for people to exchange their goods for daily needs, such as electronic vouchers and
airline tickets.
We hope that what we have dreamed of will quickly become a reality, if there is an
error in writing the white paper later, we apologize profusely. For the white paper we

will release a special white paper for the multifunctional exchange we will build.
We really hope for the support of everyone so that what we have planned goes
according to plan. For your participation in our project, we thank you profusely.

Life needs are increasingly increasing considering this is the most sophisticated era of
electronic technology in this century. The development of technology requires many
people to keep up with the times. In our analysis, electronic technology has played an
important role in every circle, whether individually or in a group of people in the world.
Even 80% of people in the world depend on their electronic needs, whether it's
computers, cellphones, electricity, and so on.
on the one hand there has been another sophistication that is not inferior in taking a role
in utilizing technological sophistication, namely Blockchain. Blockchain is a transaction
recording technology integrated with modern technology, which has a unique,
irreversible code that revolutionizes the workings of the internet, banking and other
things. The blockchain has been used by most of the world's communities or companies
to create a digital currency or for a transaction security because the blockchain is
known to have a strong, safe and trusted security system.
looking at these opportunities, we want to take part in the 2 things above, namely
electronic needs and blockchain. we have a vision to build a digital or cryptocurency
currency by utilizing blockchain sophistication. and build a special market to meet the
daily needs of electronic technology users around the world.

The aim of our project is
1. Creating a new cryptocurrency with the blockchain network as a medium of
exchange or fiat money to make it easier for crypto users to use crypto more than just
buying and selling digital assets.
2. creating a special market in addition to conducting digital asset sale and purchase
transactions, we also designed the market with many features. one of them is the
marketplace as a place to supply various types of game vouchers, pulses, electricity
tokens, water tokens and much more including plane tickets.

1. The number of exchanges with only 1 function makes many traders unable to
maximize the benefits of their coin / token, in our analysis we find 2 different
forms of investors, more clearly as follows:
Short-term investor,
These short-term investors generally buy a coin / token to save until the price of
tokens / coins becomes expensive and sold to get high profit.
Long-term investor,
Long-term investors like this generally buy a coin / token because they want to
take advantage of the product provided by the seller of the coin / token. They are
more focused on using these coins / tokens to buy products.
Mobaexchage platform is a platform that has 2 functions, namely cryptocurrency
and online trading as a product of Mobaexchnge, the two types of investors
above can utilize our exchange to buy products and trade coin / tokens.
2. Exchange and online shop are two separate things, often many people who
buy cryptocurrency have to move websites to use their crypto, not to mention the
shipping costs of an exchange to where the item is purchased. Mobaexchange is
a multifunctional exchange that will integrate 2 types of platforms into 1 platform,
namely mobaexchange.
3. At least the exchange that provides the state deposit feature allows traders
and product buyers to fear that their crypto will be exhausted due to shipping
fees, often found that the place of depositing money, the place of withdrawal of
money and where they buy crypto is in different places. Mobaexchange is the
best solution for this problem, because mobaexchange will provide deposits
through the country's currency, and we will add as much as possible so traders
are not too confused and comfortable in purchasing crypto numbers.
4. Poor service and a low security system are complaints from many crypto
users, because of their fear of hackers, in this mobaexchange project, customer
comfort and customer account security are the main things for us, we will try our
best to make our customers feel comfortable and safe when storing their crypto
on our stock.

Additional prizes for airdrop participants.
1st - 10,000 MBC
2st - 8,000 MBC
3st - 6,000 MBC
4th - 4,000 MBC
5th - 2,000 MBC

Road Map

  • 2019 Q1

Project Concept
Project Published

  • 2019 Q2

Airdrop Start
ICO Start

  • 2019 Q3

Aidrop End
Cooperation Planning
ICO end
Work for MobaEx building
MobaCoin listing program
200M MBC burned

  • 2019 Q4

MobaEx Platform
MobaEx Testing
MobaEx Launching program
Open vote in MobaEx
Working for E-commerce as features mobaEx
200M MBC burned

  • 2020

Marketplace (E-Commerce) Building
Marketplace launching program
App Building
100M MBC burned
Update Roadmap
Mobacoin information
Name: Mobacoin
Symbol: MBC
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC-20
Total supply: 499,999,999 MBC
Smartcontract: 0x47aF9FD69AdC231E674140c81811a640dD92dC51
Token sale: 250,000,000 MBC
Exchange rate price: 1 MBC = 0.0005 eth
ICO Price: 1 MBC = 0.00025 Eth
ICO Bonus: Up to 30%

Roadmap Contruction
- Project Concept
- Project publish
- Airdrop Start
- ICO Start
- Airdrop end
- Cooperation planning
- ICO End
- Work for MobaEx Building
- MobaCoin Listing
- Burn 200M MBC
- MobaEX testing
- MobaEx launching program
- Open vote for listing new token/coin in mobaEx
- Working for E-Commerce as features mobaEx
- Burn 200M MBC
- Marketplace (E-Commerce) testing
- Marketplace Launching Program
- App Building
- Burn 100M MBC
- Update Roadmap

Token allocation
50% MBC will burn every
25% MBC for sales
3% MBC for airdrop, bounty
and event
20% MBC locked
for next years
2% MBC for team, advisort, and
market saved (competition trading)

Fund Usage
60% of the funds will be used to build the mobaexchange platform and perform
an upgrade to the system, which includes team recruitment, training and
development budget.
30% will be used for branding and mobility marketing, including ongoing
promotion and education of mobaexchange and blockchain innovations in the
media industry. Adequate budget for advertising activities, to help
mobaexchange become popular among investors, and to attract active users of
the internet to the mobaexchange.
10% will be saved as a backup to deal with emergencies or unexpected events,
situations that might arise.
Team management
Nanda Yusra (CEO and FOUNDER)
Ryan Adrian (CO-Founder)
Firdaus (Bob) (Manager Marketing)
Shafiq Hussein (CTO)
Philip Smart (Indonesia Manager community)
Efi Rofianto (Indonesia Manager community)

Nozomu nakazato (Japan No.1 ICObench Expert)
Necesser (Bussines Management)




MobaCoinTarget Exchange


ZooomEx is a new cryptocurrency exchange! Exchange with the lowest trading commission represented on the market! the point is to make trading operations accessible to everyone! Zooomex does not strive to produce from clients, and creates a comfortable platform where it will be convenient to trade with everyone! Until September, trading commissions - 0%! Next, it will increase so low that you won't even notice it! they are the first to take this step! You won't find anything like this on the market!

ZooomEx Crypto Exchange is made for the benefit of users! All members of the ZXE team are active traders, and know all the nuances, pros and cons of other crypto exchanges, so Zooomex makes products for you. This is suitable for ordinary and professional traders, both for users with small capital, and for institutional ones. Zooomex began to change the cryptocurrency trading industry!

from June 24 to July 1, 2019, there will be the initial sale of ZXE tokens. This is a good opportunity to buy tokens at the lowest price, so the costs will increase in proportion to the development of the project. Discounts for ZXE purchases will vary depending on purchase volume and will reach 50%! For large buyers, individual conditions, write to the address listed below. To participate, just follow the https://www.zooomex.com link, register and make a deposit. Open ZXE / ETH trade and buy the required number of tokens. We draw your attention to the restrictions, the minimum purchase is 15,000 ZXE at a price of 0.00007000 ETH. If you buy 300,000+ prices for ZXE 0.00006000 ETH, 750,000+ ZXE prices from 0.00005000 ETH need to email to ico@zooomex.com or PM @DrGrow Price for IEO ~ 0,00010000 ETH.

In connection with the recent discovery of the ZooomEx cryptobirth, we decided to completely cancel the trade costs for operations! Fully - this is 0% for operation! This program will take place until September 2019, so we plan to become a crypto exchange with one of the lowest trading commissions of all those represented on the market! After refilling your balance, you can immediately start trading on the ZooomEx exchange. We remind you that commissions are 0% of the number of transactions! 

To go to trade, you can search for the matching pair from the main page, or go to the Exchange section in the upper left corner of the exchange. Next, choose a partner and use the buy / sell window on the market, or use a limit order. In limited orders, you can determine the value of purchases or sales of coins needed and the amount.

the team
Responsive image
Token Sales Info 
Token Name: ZooomEx
Symbol: ZXE
Type: ERC20
Platform: Ethereum

Private sales: June 24, 2019 - July 1, 2019.
Prizes: June 27, 2019 - August 12, 2019.
IEO: August 5, 2019 - August 12, 2019 or when all tokens are sold.

Token distribution
Distribution of Tokens A total of 10 million ZXE tokens will be distributed for Pre-sales while the Initial Exchange Offering itself will be allocated 40 million tokens, 50 million for the Foundation, 20 million for bounty and airdrop programs, 10 million promos and 20 million tokens for the Team which will be allocated
Fund distribution 

Sabtu, 15 Juni 2019


Protokol Audit Berkelanjutan & Protokol Pelaporan Terdesentralisasi
Auditchain memimpin pengembangan audit berkelanjutan terdesentralisasi pertama di dunia dan ekosistem protokol pelaporan keuangan real time untuk aset digital dan jaminan dan pengungkapan perusahaan. Auditchian memungkinkan validasi eksternal terus menerus atas sistem perusahaan dan kontrol, data keuangan dan lingkungan kontrol pengungkapan oleh jaringan CPA dan Chartered Accountants. DCARPE Alliance adalah konsorsium akuntansi, audit, dan pelaporan keuangan yang terdiri dari CPA, Chartered Accountants, penyedia perangkat lunak perusahaan, dan pengembang yang menyumbangkan sumber daya untuk pengembangan dan mendorong adopsi DCARPE Assurance and Disclosure Protocol. Auditchain memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberi para pemangku kepentingan tingkat jaminan tertinggi melalui validasi eksternal perusahaan berbasis konsensus yang didesentralisasi.

Mengemudi Ekonomi Jaminan Tanpa Rasa Aman Baru
Fungsionalitas Token AUDT memberi kekuatan pada dunia baru jaminan dan pengungkapan yang terdesentralisasi. Inilah yang mendorong transparansi perusahaan modern dari sertifikasi awal, deteksi dini, dan remediasi hingga pelaporan keuangan secara real time dengan tingkat jaminan tertinggi melalui validasi eksternal perusahaan yang didesentralisasi. Ingin naik?
AUDT Token membuka rangkaian aplikasi dan jaringan desentralisasi jaminan perusahaan dan layanan pelaporan yang paling kuat dan aman.

Token AUDT adalah mata uang dasar dan utilitas untuk layanan aplikasi perusahaan, pembayaran jaminan dan pengungkapan. AUDT membuka kunci layanan jaringan yang memberikan tingkat transparansi tertinggi kepada investor dan pemangku kepentingan dengan sebagian kecil dari biaya audit dan pelaporan tradisional.

Sebagai protokol lapisan dua, Auditchain memberikan interoperabilitas yang mulus antara blockchain swasta dan publik yang memungkinkan utilitas yang kuat dan penyelesaian atom dari hutang dagang.

Biaya AUDT untuk perusahaan dapat dikurangi menjadi nol melalui pembagian pendapatan berlangganan dan partisipasi perusahaan dalam ekosistem jaminan tanpa kepercayaan yang didesentralisasi.

AUDT memungkinkan pemangku kepentingan untuk membuka dan melihat analisis audit perusahaan terperinci dan detail kinerja keuangan yang memberikan tingkat transparansi tertinggi dari sistem perusahaan dan mengendalikan statistik hingga kinerja keuangan waktu nyata.

KUARTAL 2 - 2019
Peluncuran Acara Generasi MVP & Token
TRIWULAN KE-4 - 2019
Pengujian Node~
KUARTAL 2ND - 2020
Peluncuran MainNet
TRIWULAN 3R - 2019
Auditchain TestNet
TRIWULAN 1 - 2020
Penjelajah DCARPE ™
xBRL ™ Analytics
Peluncuran Komersial



Tentang Invech
Invech Cryptocurrency Exchange adalah pertukaran cryptocurrency yang dipelopori oleh Invech Group. Kami memiliki token platform kami sendiri yang disebut Invech Coins atau IV yang berjalan pada platform ERC20. Dilisensikan dan disahkan langsung dari Pemerintah Timor Leste, lisensi kami mencakup seluruh kerangka blockchain dan cryptocurrency, termasuk pertukaran cryptocurrency, ICO, pertanian pertambangan, solusi blockchain, dll. Ini juga merupakan layanan blockchain / cryptocurrency pertama yang keluar dari Timor Leste.

Republik Demokratik Timor-Leste, atau Timor Leste dalam bahasa Inggris, adalah Negara Berdaulat Baru Pertama di abad ke-21. Terletak di Asia Tenggara, dengan populasi sekitar 1,3 juta. Berbatasan dengan Indonesia, negara berdaulat terdiri dari bagian timur pulau Timor dan beberapa pulau terdekat lainnya. Negara ini mengembalikan kedaulatannya pada tahun 2002 setelah pendudukan Indonesia. Perjuangan kemerdekaan Timor Leste selama puluhan tahun melawan Indonesia merusak banyak infrastruktur ekonominya, membuatnya menjadi negara termiskin di Asia.

Saat ini, mereka masih membangun kembali dan memperbaiki kesulitan sebelum kemerdekaan. Dan Invech berharap menjadi saluran bagi rakyat Timor Leste untuk meningkatkan dan mengubah status ekonomi. Dengan demikian, menciptakan ekonomi yang berkelanjutan, dan pada saat yang sama teknologi yang cerdas dan maju, negara blockchain.


  • Untuk memperkenalkan mata uang alternatif melalui penciptaan Token Invech
  • Membawa investasi asing langsung & mengurangi pengangguran
  • Kelola crowdfunding melalui proses yang terkontrol
  • Untuk sepenuhnya memberi token kepada pariwisata dan pertanian di Timor Leste
  • Meningkatkan modal manusia dan kemampuan komunitas lokal Timor Leste
  • Untuk memberikan saran dan konsultasi kepada pemerintah mengenai masalah blockchain dan teknologi.
  • Untuk memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan mata pencaharian

Platform Pasca-IEO 150.000.000 IV 30,00%
Tim Pendiri 100.000.000 IV 20,00%
IEO Fase 2 100.000.000 IV 20,00%
IEO Tahap 1 75.000.000 IV 15,00%
Timor Leste - Yayasan Invech 50,000,000 IV 10,00%
Airdrop dan Pemasaran 25.000.000 IV 5,00%

Tonggak sejarah
Mei 2017 Gagasan dan pembentukan tim inti
Okt 2017 CIDA Holdings Limited (HK) berinvestasi
Nov 2017 BBM Blockchain Indonesia invests
Feb 2018 Pertemuan pertama dengan pemerintah Timor Leste
Mar 2018 SMID (CN) sebagai penasihat
Jun 2018 Memperoleh lisensi pertukaran mata uang digital dari pemerintah Timor Leste
Penandatanganan MOU Juni 2018 dengan BBM Blockchain Timor - MWII (CN)
Jun 2018 Nasdaq mencatatkan perusahaan untuk berinvestasi US $ 20.000.000 pada pra-penjualan
Dimulainya Roadshow 2018 Jul
Kampanye Publisitas Oktober 2018 di Hong Kong
Okt 2018 Menandatangani MoU dengan MAPEM (Dewan Pengembangan Ekonomi Malaysia)
Desember 2018 Daftar Publik Invech tentang OTC, Invech Consultancy
Desember 2018 Sistem Manajemen Pinjaman Invech untuk Timor Leste
Jan 2019 Invech Exchange Offers (IEO), Peluncuran Resmi Penuh dengan Platform Pertukaran Operasional Sepenuhnya
Feb 2019 Crypto ATM

Anda dapat memeriksa info di https://tokensale.invech.io/
Situs web: https://invech.io/


Temukan Stellerro ™
Stellerro ™ mempelopori payung inovatif untuk industri sekuritas digital yang baru muncul, memastikan perusahaan memenuhi proses penjaminan, kepatuhan & distribusi yang tepat dari berbagai yurisdiksi teregulasi.

Baik Anda pemilik aset, pengusaha, atau pemula, tim ahli Stellerro siap membantu Anda dengan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menavigasi industri yang inovatif ini.
Fakta Token Keamanan Kami
Penggunaan Dana
Peta Jalan Kami
Dewan Pendiri & Penasihat
  1. Aviind Gindi
  2. Medali Dror
  3. Elad Kofman
  4. Noam Barnea
  5. Oded v. Kloeten
  6. Liron Rose
  7. Boaz Barack
  8. Isaac M. Sutton
  9. Adv. Roy Keidar
  10. Shirly Moster
  11. Alejandro Gómez de la Cruz Alcañiz

Tim Operasional
  1. Ben Abulafia
  2. Lin Cohen
  3. Ethan Stufflebeam
  4. Yuri Dziatlau
  5. Leonard Jackson
  6. Ava Yuan Xue
  7. Kazuki Tsubo
  8. Eitan Tayar
  9. Almog Kurower
  10. Yael Altstater



Liputan media
  1. stellerro abc
  2. stellerro nbc
  3. yahoo stellerro
  4. stellerro wral.com
  5. F6S
  6. Stellerro icomarks
  7. icobench stellerro
  8. Stellerro ICO HOLDER
  9. Kepler Finance
  10. Kegentingan