Sabtu, 30 November 2019


So how do you get miners to switch to PoS? This is true by making the old PoW method unprofitable. To achieve this, Ethereum has integrated an elegant and dangerous device into its code - the so-called complexity bomb. Complexity means how difficult it is to find a puzzle solution for each block. The more complex the puzzle, the more time it takes to produce each new block - and the more energy the miner needs to spend. At first, complexity increases only slightly from time to time. But then it starts to accelerate. New blocks require more and more discoveries. Transactions require more time to confirm. And since miners find fewer new blocks, they get fewer rewards. Sooner or later, the network stops working. This is called a complexity bomb, and for miners, this is the main incentive to agree to Proof-of-Stake.
As you know, the rewards of miners are strong, since the market is still bearish, and the real price increase is not known whether the small independent miners do not earn enough to cover their expenses. One of the main goals of 2Ether is to create an environment in which GPU miners will have equal conditions for large farms. Adjusting the price of the base fee will help us achieve just that. At 2Ether, we use an intelligent and effective solution to this problem. The base price will be adjusted regularly depending on how the market price of ET2 changes.
Principle of the 2Ether project
2EtherDEX has huge advantages and reasons for use. A decentralized exchange does not store your assets, because neither hacker attacks nor the complete collapse of the exchange itself are threatened with a loss of funds, which is a huge plus compared to centralized exchanges, which are hacked regularly enough, including large exchanges. When connecting to a wallet, you do not give your private key and all your information is not stored on the exchange server.
There are no personal accounts on a decentralized exchange, verification is not required, and you do not even need to provide email, so no one will be able to use or steal personal user data. You can choose one of 3 blockchains: Ethereum, EOS and TRON, easily trading any token.
You do not need to be a miner to get ET2 coins - all you have to do is join our pre-launch campaign for a reward. We have tasks for everyone - you decide how many tokens you want to earn.
2Ether generously rewards everyone who helps spread the word about our project. To maximize your reward, you can create original 2Ether content, including YouTube video reviews, articles, and blogs. As long as your content is unique, relevant and has not been published elsewhere, you are guaranteed a good reward. Alternatively, you can simply share our news and tweets or write 2Ether short posts on Facebook and Twitter. To join our award, click the "Join Now" button below. He will transfer you to our reward chain with full campaign conditions.
As you can see, this is a promising campaign that has many advantages. Reliability, safety are guaranteed here.
Additional Information:
Author : Apel malang

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